Product Battle Series 2: Hayward Heater Vs. Raypak Heater March 6, 2017 Charlie RamirezIf you had the option of choosing a Hayward heater or a Raypak heater, which one would you choose? It’s okay...Read Now
How Long After I Shock My Pool Can I Swim? February 27, 2017 Charlie RamirezShocking your pool, or super chlorinating, is a cleaning method designed to keep your pool water clean and safe by adding...Read Now
The Journey of Swimming Pool Water February 20, 2017 Charlie RamirezDoes anyone know how a pool works? I mean, specifically. Do you truly understand the journey of swimming pool water? I...Read Now
How Much Does Swimming Pool Water Cost? January 31, 2017 Charlie RamirezIf you have never owned a pool before, the thought of refilling the pool with water can be daunting and a...Read Now
How Can You Control Your Pump From Your Smartphone? January 25, 2017 Charlie RamirezThe number of things you can do with your smartphone today is incredible. To use Apple’s motto, there’s almost an app...Read Now
Cost To Maintain Your Swimming Pool January 16, 2017 Charlie RamirezOne of the biggest benefits of any do-it-yourself (DIY) project is the amount of money you end up saving. Saving money...Read Now
How To Identify Hot Tub Jets January 9, 2017 Charlie RamirezOne of the most relaxing feelings in the world is sitting in your hot tub after a stressful day at work...Read Now
Why Is My Pool Green? December 5, 2016 Charlie RamirezIf you go online and do a search for,”Why is My Pool Green?”, you will get a ton of articles about...Read Now
Why Is My Pool Cloudy? November 14, 2016 Charlie Ramirez[social_warfare buttons=”Facebook, Twitter”] Whether it is cloudy judgments, cloudy weather, or cloudy pools, ‘cloudy’ isn’t a word that is typically used in...Read Now
Product Battle Series: Pentair WhisperFlo Vs. Hayward Super II Vs. PureLine Prime October 31, 2016 Charlie RamirezOut of the Hayward Super II, the Pentair WhisperFlo, and the PureLine Prime, which pump is better? If these pumps were...Read Now