PVC Pool Pipe Dimensions

PVC Pool Pipe Dimensions

Many people have questions on what size pool pipe they have. You would think that 1-1/2″ pipe or 2″ pipe would measure 1-1/2″ or 2″ but that would be too easy. I thought the easiest tool to help determine your pool pipe size would be a few pictures along with dimensions. I hope this helps!

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1-1/2" pvc pool pipe1-1/2" pvc pipe fitting 2" pvc pool pipe2" pvc pipe fitting2-1/2" PVC Pool Pipe

42 thoughts on “PVC Pool Pipe Dimensions

  1. I have a 1.5 HP mighty mammoth pump on my aboveground pool, HAP1100 I broke the plastic water shutoff valve and part of it is in the inlet port which is for a 1 1/2 in valve. If I try to take it out I will damage the internal threads of the pump hsg.. It also is threaded on outside and is 2 1/2 inch diameter external threads. I would like to get an adapter to thread on and step down to a standard 1 1/2 shutoff valve what is the type thread I would get for the pump side of adapter?

  2. I have a 2″ jandy valve but I have a 90 degree attached but I do not know what size of a converter to fit over the 2″ 90 so I can add another 2″ pipe to it.

    I have no space between so the only way would be to attach a fitting over the already attached pipping. Is this a 3″ fitting that would fit over the 90 degree?

  3. Hi, I have a Coates 5.5kw heater but I’m finding it increasingly difficult to find the correct Union to connect the plumbing to, and ideas on what to purchase, I’m in the UK.


  4. So I want to install a Gorilla Backwash hose that everyone says will not stretch and the max diameter (assume they mean outside) is 2″. My Jandy Mulitiport valve has a 2″ Fitting that a 2″ pipe slides into. If the 2″ pipe has an outside diameter of 2.3″, it won’t fit over it. It appears that it would fit over a 1.5 inch pipe that has an OD of 1.9″. What would an adapter be called that I would put the Gorilla Hose over the 1.5″ Pipe and then connect the 1.5″ pipe to the existing 2″ fitting? I want to be able to quickly connect it, drain my pool and disconnect it to roll it up and store it.

    Thank You!

    1. Hi Stuart,

      Normally backwash hose manufacturers label there hose by the size pipe it will work for. So if you have 2″ plumbing then you would use 2″ backwash hose and the 2″ backwash hose will work on your 2″ plumbing. But after reading the reviews on Amazon about the Gorilla backwash hose it does appear it has an issue where it does not fit for 2″. I would suggest this 2″ Backwash Hose http://www.inyopools.com/ProductListing/search_backwash_hose.aspx which will work for your application.

      1. Thank You. I have never had any luck with the previous blue hoses I have purchases which is why I was looking at the Gorilla hose that is supposed to be 5 times stronger. This one looks like it is made stronger. Any idea how it would compare to the Gorilla? It’s actually more expensive so I would hope it would be as good.

    1. Generally, I would like to keep my pool plumbing to at most two sizes. Standard pool plumbing sizes are 1-1/2 and 2 inch. If it is reasonably easy, I would consider switching that 1-1/4″ pipe section in favor of a 1-1/2 inch.

  5. Hey Matthew, thanks for sharing your knowledge and time.
    I have 1.5 in ridgid PVC pipes all around. I’m about to install a water heater and salt cell next summer. The skimmer and drain lines that merge and get suctioned to the pump are 1.5 in. respectively. Can I merge the 1.5 inch skimmer line and 1.5 inch drain line into a 2 inch pipe?

  6. What is the most common diamter for inground pool skimmer inlets? I need to set up a manual vacuum but the hose I purchased is too small for the skimmer inlet and will not stay in place. I need to get an adaptor that will fit the skimmer and the vaccum hose, but is there a standard size for inlets or would I have to measure mine?

  7. I’m moving my pool equipment to different location, about 60 feet away from where it’s currently located. The intake from skimmer and the return lines are 1/12 in pvc. The new 3hp pump has 2in openings, The old pump is only a 1hp pump. Is it ok to run a 1 1/2 in pipe from pool to the new location or upsize them to 2” pipes? Thank you

  8. I am replacing a heater on an above ground 24′ pool with a hayward 150, 1.5hp pump.
    It is currently set up with about 9′ of 1 1/2″ going from the filter into the heater,
    4′ 1 1/2 going from heater to in-line chlorinator (hayward), and 6′ 1 1/2 going to the pool.
    Everything else is also 1 1/2″ piping.
    Would it hurt to replace the 9′ pipe from the filter to the heater with 2″?
    I feel like the heat exchanger would then be responsible for reducing the flow to some degree, increasing the pressure on it causing it to fail sooner.
    …or should I just try it and quit overthinking it…

  9. Hi 4 years new to pools and the pool was here when I bought the house.

    I have 2 skimmers plumbed 1.5. they come into a valve and enter the pump in 2″ pipe. from the pump to the filter everything is back to 1.5″ except for the valve to the 2 returns. Am I wrong in thinking that pump to filter at 1.5 and filter to valve at 1.5 is choking off the water flow and or making the pump work harder than it needs to? The filter valve can accept either 1.5 or 2.0.
    thanks in advance.

    1. If you are having pressure issues, and it has been a consistent thing you have been battling since tthe pump has been installed or since you had the pool; then there would be a concern. But if your pump and pool run fine, then I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

  10. I have a 1″ 1/2 PVC on my supply side, with a 1.5 HP pump. I have a lot of air in in my plumbing, and I think the motor is burning out. Is this because my pump was too powerful for my plumbing? What HP should I get?

  11. What’s more optimal? 1 line from main drain and skimmer? Or 2 separate lines from each, pump is a vs 3 hp, equipment is about 50 feet from pool, pipe size is 2.5″

  12. New build!!!
    Need help for plumbing size and run. Just finished with plumbing phase, not too late to add more runs…

    Inground 20×39 / 7′ deep x 3.5′ shallow end / with recessed spa 7×8. Pump is vs 3.0 hp. Plumber has installed 2.5″ pipes with –

    #1 line – main drains from pool connected to skimmer than to pump (independent lines best?)
    #2 line – main drains from spa to pump
    #3 line next to skimmer, intake for vacuum to pump
    All 3 lines have diverter valves

    Return lines on one 2″ line which is split into 4 locations and downsized to 1″ (2 separate lines better?)

    Thank you…

    1. I’m a little confused by your question. Your post says you need help with plumbing, but you said your plumbing phase was done in the next line. Also, you state you have a plumber, have you tried asking them as they are likely an expert and can see the equipment, pipes, and pool? And lastly, is there a reason you would need to add more runs of pipe? Ideally, you want to avoid extra runs of pipe to keep the feet of head as low as possible.

  13. I have a question about piping my new pool. I will have a 1 main drain, 1 skimmer, and 1 return. It is a 30 ft 54 inch deep above ground pool. What would be the best PVC hard pipe size to use. I was thinking of running 1.5 inch pipe from the skimmer and the floor drain. Upsizing to 2 inches at the pump, 2 inches out of the filter back down to 1.5 inch return. I would do all 2 inch piping but I can’t find a 2 inch skimmer. And I’m unsure if you can fit or find a 2 inch return.

  14. I have two – 2” suction lines that go to a Hayward 3 Port 2-2.5” Diverter Valve then converts over to 2.5” pipe as it enters the pump. Will I get a 2.5” flow rate potential of 75 GPM after the pump?

    1. If the diameter of the 2″ side of the valve is only 2.067, then you are limited to 2″. The smaller opening creates a pinch point, so if You have 3″ pipe section,t but join that with 1.5″ adapter, the flow through that section is only top out to the 1.5″ pipe rating.

  15. I purchased an RX clear sand filter and am having a heck of a time finding the right union thread to fit it. I have tried everything and have had no luck.
    Hayward 1 1/2 is too big. Standard 2″ is just too small. A flexible pvc hose that’s supposed to connect pump to sand filter was too small and the wrong threads.

    This is the exact same male thread connector that interconnects between my filter/waste switch on my pump and my cartridge filter that i’m replacing.
    The outside of the threads measures exactly 2 5/8″ The threads are the same spacing as 1 1/2″ pvc pipe thread except they are kind of Saw tooth in profile.

    Any idea what i could purchase? I was looking at Waterway Plastics 806105082145 2.5 in. Pump Union Assembly so i can plumb into 2″ pvc but i just don’t know about these threads.

    Thank you so much.

  16. Hi, I have 3/4 pipe size at the supply and 1-1/2 for the suction side with a 3/4 hp pump, can I replace pump to 1hp. Cartridge filter.

  17. Hi Matthew, what’s the best pipe size for 20,000 Galon pool, with Variable speed pumb, heater, UV.

    -Would it be a good idea to have the Pulled water pipes toward the Pump larger in size, ex 3 inch than the Pushed water toward the inlets 2 1/2 inch. ?

    1. It depends on what your pool equipment is set for. Is your pump, filter, and heater set up for 3 inch pipe or are they the new standard of 2 inches?

      It wouldn’t make sense to run 3″ inch pipe to equipment that is only 2 inch.

  18. Hi Matthew, what’s the best pipe size for 20,000 Galon pool, with Variable speed pumb, heater, UV.

    -Would it be a good idea to have the Pulled water pipes toward the Pump larger in size, ex 3 inch than the Pushed water toward the inlets 2 1/2 inch. ?

  19. Donna, there are two ways to figure this out. First, look on the pipe, there may be writing on the side of the pipe, that states the pipe size. The other would be comparing your pipe measurements to all those pictures up in the article.

      1. Create a diagram of the pool, your backyard, and where the equipment is going to be. Note where the skimmer, main drains, and returns will be set in relation to the pool equipment. Make detailed measurements and account for changes in level, like the depth of the main drain to the pump. This will give you a rough estimate.

  20. We have a clog in the pipe that leads from the simmer basket intake (in ground pool) to the pump.
    A pool company tried using a hyrdoflush , but failed to unclog the pipe.. They suggested getting a drain company or plumber with a camera to identify the clog. Roto Rooter and some other local drain companies do have a camera; however, they can only go into a 2″ pipe. The drain company that we hired claims our pipe is only 1 1/2″ in diameter. But I am not sure I trusted him as he was very inexperienced. How do I find out how wide our pipe is?Thank you. Donna

  21. Hi I have purchased a pool in Spain and have found
    One of the skimmers is not connected to the other( no pipe) the pipe work is 2″ but I can’t get a screw thread
    Connector to fit bottom of the skimmer it’s either too
    small or too big , any ideas please

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