How To Find Your Replacement Pool Pump Motor Bearings

It’s typical for a pool pump motor to make noises. However, a squealing motor is an early indication that the bearings are failing. In this article, we discuss how to find your replacement pool pump motor bearings using your motor part or catalog number.

For pool owners, replacing motor bearings is two-fold. First, you need to decide if you want to replace the bearings or replace the entire motor. Next, you have to determine how to find your replacement motor bearings.

This is where INYO steps in.

How To Identify Your Motor

Spoiler alert: You cannot determine which bearings you need without first identifying the part or catalog number on your motor.

Although identifying the part number on your motor should be straight-forward, sometimes, it can be tricky. Here is a quick video of Matt and Rob explaining how to locate the part number off of your motor.


What Does Your Motor Label Look Like?

If you have watched our video and realized that your motor label looks a little different than the one we have shown, don’t worry. Manufacturers change the layout and overall design of the motor labels to fit their preferences.

Below are four different examples of how your motor label might look.  Notice how they list the part, model, and/or catalog number on each label. You can use the model number, catalog number, or the part number to cross-reference your replacement bearings.



When the label clearly lists the cat number, using the chart to find your bearings is easy. However, labels that only list part and model numbers require more care. In the event that your label only lists the part number in the 9-digit format X-XXXXXX-XX, only use the middle six digits. 

Example: 8-164300-40

In this example, you’d simply use “164300” as the motor part number.


click here to find your Replacement Pool Pump Motor Parts


How To Find Your Replacement Motor Bearings

5270-31 motor bearingNow that you have your motor’s part number, the next step is to use it to find your bearings. To help with this, we have created a PDF spreadsheet that not only lists the bearings for various motors, but also the capacitor, board, and fan as well.

First, locate the correct part or catalog number listed on your motor label. Next, find the same exact part number in the PDF graph. Once you have located your motor number in the chart, read across the row to find the part number for the bearings. We have listed the bearings in the two columns after the motor.

Some motors take two different bearings while others use the same bearing twice. Each motor varies.

CLICK HERE to find your replacement motor bearings.


We Didn’t List Your Motor or Bearings?

If we didn’t list your motor or bearings, there’s a good reason- we just don’t know. We’ve been compiling this list for some time now and will continue to do so as we receive information from manufacturers and vendors. If you are in search of replacement bearings and need help locating the correct replacement, we recommend giving Century a call. If it is one of their motors, they should have that information readily available.

The last option you have is to replace the entire motor. Depending on how old the motor is, this might be a more realistic solution. In that case, make sure you replace your shaft seal to avoid any premature leaking.


click here to find your Replacement Pool Pump Motor Parts

11 thoughts on “How To Find Your Replacement Pool Pump Motor Bearings

  1. Bearings are easily replaced…..the motor is not toast. I have replaced 4 sets in my pool motor in the last 8 years and its fine.

    1. Have you tried figuring out why you have to keep replacing the bearings at regular intervals?

      “Easily replaced” is a very subjective statement. Pool owners have varying skill levels, and most people do not have a bearing puller or vice just laying around

    2. could it be that the rotor is badly unbalanced? Are all 4 screws that hold the motor together properly aligned? if they are off this can cause uneven stress on the bearings

  2. Not on your bearing list …
    I contacted the manufacturer for bearing information on my STS1072RV1 motor. The reply was “This motor takes a 6304 and 6203 bearing. Both of them are double sealed.”

  3. My new bearings came this morning. 2 hours later, and my pool pump motor is quiet and efficient again. Not a piece of cake . . . you need some tools like an automotive bearing puller. And you need patience to get the motor ends aligned with each other so the long bolts will go through their holes in the field wiring steel parts. But it’s really straightforward.
    My motor 1-1/2 hp inground pool motor is 5 years old. The paint isn’t burned from it running hot. But the bearings were whining loudly. Now, silent. I hope to get 5 more years of service before replacing them again or the motor if it becomes necessary. Total cost: Less than $10.

  4. I’m a retired veteran living only on Social Security Disability. I can’t afford a brand new pool pump. I have to try and fix it myself.

  5. Dont waste your time replacing bearings. Youll be pissed ! Buy a new motor. If the bearings have gone bad , motor is toast.

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